EMC Testing

EMC Testing

At UK Electronics (UK:E) we have supported hundreds of clients in taking their innovations to the marketplace. Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) is an important consideration when meeting your legal requirements to bring a product to market.

At UK:E we bring decades of experience to this side of the development cycle. We also understand that EMC is integral to the quality of your product and that EMC problems often manifest themselves as unreliable products, which if unresolved may result in customer complaints and returns.

We are able to support you at every stage of the development process, but we strongly advise early consideration of your EMC compliance strategy, along with early validation of design concepts through testing.

Our team is able to provide advice on the choice of standards and we will recommend a test plan and carry out testing according to your instructions.

Where products don’t have any special testing requirements we are usually able to provide a full test report for £945 +VAT.

 Please complete our enquiry form and an engineer will contact you to discuss your requirements in more detail.

CE Marking Process – Self Certification

The CE Mark is applied to products by the manufacturer and is a guarantee that the product meets the essential requirements of the relevant product harmonisation directives.

The process can seem daunting, but our experienced engineers are able to support you throughout the process by outlining your obligations and responsibilities, whilst providing the documentation you need to meet those obligations.

We always advise early testing to reduce the risk of test failures, which could impact on the time in getting your product to the market.  But we have a comprehensive research and development support team, who will help you to support your own engineering colleagues to remedy any issues identified.  As UK:E is primarily a contract manufacturer, we have extensive experience of supporting clients who are looking to get their products to the market.

Please take a look at our EMC Presentation here.

For more information please contact us via the enquiry form and an engineer will contact you to discuss your specific requirements in detail.   Or call us on 0161 626 4117.

Enquire about EMC Testing


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